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Computers, Processes and Management (CPM)
Applying People and Technology to Business

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Key Benefits  

The Solution

A three step approach was taken: first to establish the data assets, storage platforms and the data flows (including transmission volumes) across the enterprise.

The second was to assess the data interface formats, standards and translations used for each system. To create a data reduction programme that simplified some 20% estate within a 12 week period.

The third was to develop the roadmap to create : Single view of the customer; put in place a reference strategy for data; identify the options to  further reduce data duplication and process and create an information governance framework to consider data from acquisition to disposal.

Recommended changes incorporated, design, physical database changes, process changes as well as manipulation sequences to data.  An improved reporting process. Where possible self service methods were introduced slimming down the size of manual data admin and report preparation teams.

The Challenge

Within an environment of aging systems and a proliferation of standalone departmental solutions this organisation had lost sight of how customers used their services. A significant increase in cost and management time was consumed in trying to understanding the customers use of products and services, and more importantly whether they had fully paid for those services!

Within the organization, complexity was rife: duplication of processes and procedures, duplication of data, lack of understanding of the value of data, and a number of bespoke management data systems causing a lack of clarity of what was happening in the business.

Does this sound familiar?